autumn path picture

Not the way you thought your life would go

No matter your age or background, there comes a moment when you realize that your life is just not going the way you want it to go. It feels like whatever you try, blows up in your face and it’s all out of your control. You know you want something better than this, but you might not know what that something is, or you do know, but just can’t seem to get it right.  Although you may feel completely lost, there is hope.

Psychological Counseling: A Path to Positive Change

You don’t have to stay lost or feel like you are going through this alone. You don’t have to seek advice from friends or family which may have your best interest at heart, but also may have their own agenda or blindness to your situation. 

My name is Robert Mitchell. Since 2002, I’ve specialized in working with both couples and individuals to overcome a variety of issues and challenges.  My clients tell me that they appreciate my straightforward, and down-to-earth conversational style. If you elect to work with me, I will attempt to understand your unique situation. I tend to offer my thoughts on what I suspect is happening for you, but in a way that I’m told feels supportive. Then together we’ll explore the best way to address your situation.

On Judgement

Take a look around this website to learn more about the services I offer. If my approach resonates with you and you suspect that we might be a good fit, feel free to schedule an appointment online or reach out for more information by calling (650) 394-4473.

Robert Mitchell PhD.